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Time and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Literature


Publication Workshop Time and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Literature

25.-26. of August 2025 at the Institue of of Asian and Oriental Studies of the University of Zurich

The planned workshop is dedicated to the relationship between time and emotions in the literature of the Japanese Middle Ages. To this end, literary, religious and historical studies as well as philosophical approaches will be taken into account. The workshop consists of six thematically organised sections in which essays submitted in advance and read by the participants will be discussed. After revision, these will be published in an edited volume. 26 contributions will be discussed by scholars from the United States, Canada, Japan, and Europe.

A programm of the workshop will come soon.

Workshop Text-Image Relations in Medieval Japanese Illuminated Handscrolls and Illustrated Paintings

Ban dainagon ekotoba (Kopie nach Orig. aus 12. Jh.), Rolle I, Reizei Tamechika (1823–1864), Tokyo National Museum, A-11871-1.
29. of November 2023 at the Institue of of Asian and Oriental Studies of the University of Zurich
The Workshop on Text-Image Relations in Medieval Japanese Illuminated Handscrolls and Illustrated Paintings was organised by the SNSF team together with project partner Claire Akiko Brisset of the University of Geneva. The programm was as follows:
11:30-12:30: presentation of a horizontal handscoll (Faksimile) to illustrate the significance of time for the perception of pictures as well as the text-image relations
14:00-16:00: examination of two examples of polychronicity from the 12th century: the Ban dainagon emaki and the 23rd frontispiece painting of the chapter Heike nōkyō 平家納経.
Find the literature to the workshop here:
  • Workshop Bisset 1

    Impressions of the Workshop

  • Workshop Bisset 2

    Heike nokyo

  • Workshop Bisset 3
  • Workshop Bisset 4
  • Workshop Bisset 5
  • Workshop Bisset 6
  • Workshop Brisset 9
  • Shigisan engi emaki

Methods Workshop of the SNSF Project “Time and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Literature”

15. - 16. of August 2023 at the Institue of of Asian and Oriental Studies of the University of Zurich
The first workshop of the SNSF project "Time and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Literature" held in August 2023 at the University of Zurich brought together the team members with a few eminent specialists in the field in order to discuss possibilities to uncover time-related emotions in medieval Japanese literary texts in terms of methodology. 
Find the programm and book of abstract here (PDF, 2 MB).


  • Methods Workshop_Vortragssaal

    Impressions of the Methods Workshop

  • Methods Workshop_Team
  • Methodenworkshop Steineck 2
  • Methods Workshop_Akaishi
  • Methods Workshop_Araki
  • Methods Workshop_Takeuchi
  • Methodenworkshop Watson 2
  • Methodenworkshop Jinno 2
  • Methods Workshop_Essen Dozentenfoyer 1

    Essen Dozentenfoyer

  • Methods Workshop_Essen Terrasse 2
  • Methods Workshop zum Alten Löwen hell
  • Methods Workshop_Gruppenbild See
